Joel's resume is like a McDonalds drive-in sign in reverse. Instead of billions of assembly-line meat sandwiches, though, Lage lists the number of pieces he has made from found objects. Each unique and bearing the molecular memory of what it was before it was a piece of art. One gets the feeling it remembers what it was before art (maybe a liquid acrylic polymer floating in a fiberglass soup. One gets the feeling its memory goes back even farther than that – remembering itself as oil and the dinosaurs and vegetation it was before that, reaching so far back in time you’d swear it was coming up ahead.
More than 2,500 found objects sculpture and jewelry pieces have been made and sold by Lage or his galleries. He’s the originator of the Bottle Cap Car and has made at least 600 of them.
For Lage, his colorful pile of stuff is a fountain of inspiration, and his studio, a school bus that hasn’t run for decades, is also filled with tools, colorful bits of glass, painted metal, pieces of interesting stone, shell and bone. Taken from